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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Longest Run

Today was my longest run in about 2-1/2 years.

With my ipod going, I ended up running (jogging) about 5 WHOLE MILES up and down Moanalua Valley! I just ran ez and didn't even keep any kind of time, though, my legs felt really good considering the race this past Sunday. Surprisingly, going from my usual 2 to 3 miles to 5 was not as hard as I thought it would be.

Concidently, about 1/2 way up the valley, I saw my good friend Barry's wife, Bev. We ended up chatting for about 10 minutes about the terrible and life threatening effects of not having enough salt during your long training sessions. Of course, Bev would know as she is a professional nutritionist and was taking a late afternoon run while working at Kaiser. I would know too, considering I almost died after a 1/2 Ironman in Kona one year!

Now that I'm getting a little serious about running, I gotta get some new shoes. The only ones I have now are these old Nike Air Pegasus' that I used during a Honolulu Marathon in 2002???

Back then, I remember taking a short pre-marathon run around Diamond Head in my fairly new Air Pegasus' and remember stepping on this BIG Keawe thorn/branch right near the Bark Park. Boy was a pi$$ed - having major indigestion wondering if the thorn had penatrated the "AIR" in the Air Pegasus shoes. After searching up and down the Internet for the symptoms of a punctured air unit, I decided that it wasn't and used it in that marathon.


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