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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan - 大阪・海遊館

Osaka, Japan - 2004

Aquarium or Transformer??? Tempozan Giant Ferris Wheel - 1

While in Osaka during my 2004 trip, me and Randal took a day trip out to see the world class Osaka Aquarium "Kaiyukan."

Getting off the train, the first thing to catch my eye was this giant ferris wheel - bigger than any I had ever seen and I knew I HAD to ride it before I left. The second thing to catch my eye was the exterior architecture of the aquarium, like a gigantic "transformer."

Being a weekday it wasn't very crowded, only a few tourist and some school kids. So, we got to see everything at a very relaxed pace - generally NOT the norm for Japan! While inside, and purly by chance, Randal and I got to meet this attractive girl who worked there :-).

In A Dream World... School On An Impressionistic Sky...

Being a world class aquarium, it is one of only a few to have a live whale shark in captivity. Truly impressive and depressing at the same time. I felt sad for this magnificent animal since, by nature, they are pelagic and live to travel the oceans. I can only hope that it is set free once it gets too large or, before it loses it's mind pacing around in endless circles and circles and O O O O O's.

After checking out the aquarium and eating at the Tempozan Harbor Village, we decided to split up and meet back later at the Ryokan. I spent my time buying some omiyage and browsing through the stores in the shopping area. However...prior to leaving...I promised myself a ride on that giant ferris wheel.

Nobody was in line and I would be one of only two or three cabs on that whole thing that were occupied. The motion was a slow and steady climb and the cab would only rock, if I made it.

By myself and floating to the top, I took some pictures and many thoughts ran through my mind while looking upon the city of Osaka and out to the setting ocean-sun in the West. I was in Japan for the first time, and the feelings in that moment...were questioning...and irrepressible...and hopefully melancholy...and unforegettable...just like a ride on that giant ferris wheel.

Ferris Wheel View - 2 Ferris Wheel View - 3

Click on this link to see all my photos from this day: Osaka Aquarium Pictures .

Also, if you ever go there, here are a couple of informational links:



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