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Monday, March 13, 2006

Some Rambling About Sports


After 2 days of the Haru Basho, my favorite sumotori, Tochiazuma has a 1 and 1 record and new Ozeki Kotooshu looks injured and is at 1 and 1 too. And of course, to no one's suprise, Asashoryu is looking great at 2 and 0. Well see how events go over the next couple of days.


After winning the Tour of California a couple of weeks ago, an awesome Floyd Landis followed it up by taking 1st in the Paris-Nice stage race by 9 seconds.

After reading much about the Floyd-Armstong spat, it seems like Floyd is really an all-a-round nice guy and I'll be pulling for him to do well in this year's Tour de France. (Not that Lance isn't a "nice" guy, but, Floyd seems much more laid back and easy going.) Hopefully he's not peaking too early and can still build from here.


A VERY controversial call in the 8th inning helped the USA beat Japan in the newly created World Baseball Classic. From what I saw in the replays, it was pretty obvious that the umpires decision was wrong - infact, they OVERTURNED the orignal correct call.

I mean, sometimes, in a close play you would expect a "hometown call," but this wasn't even close - pretty embarassing in fact! Oh well, I guess if it it can happen in the Super Bowl, it can happen here too. For more on the "call" see here: Flat-out screwed: Japan homered in loss to U.S..


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