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Monday, March 27, 2006

Last Weekend of March

Sumo: Like the New Year's tournament, this past basho was SUPER exciting. This year, Asashoryu is NOT getting a free ride like he did last year. Lots of competition especially from follow Mongolian Hakuho and my favorite, Tochiazuma. Since Hakuho is being promoted to Ozeki, there will now be 5 Ozeki gunning for Asashoryu and for promotion to Yokozuna. Next tournament should be really exciting.

Training: I must have picked up a slight bug this past week cause this weekend was really bad. I had no power, even though I was going pretty hard on Saturday and today. Not much looking forward to this weekend's Tantalus Time Trial.

Rain and the Jet Stream: As everyone knows, it has been raining for weeks like I've never seen it here in Hawaii.

For the last 4 or 5 weeks, the jet stream has shifted south causing all these storms to hit the State. The top left pic is from Feb 1st, more or less, the "normal" jet stream. The top right pic is from Feb 26. See how the stream is taking a U-turn to the south. The pic on the right is from today. So guess what the weather predition is for this week...RAIN AGAIN of course!!! Accroding to the weatherman, this southerly shift in the jet stream is supposedly causing all of these southerly storms.

マツダ ロードスター: Spent rainy Sunday afternoon installing a jdm オーリンズ performance suspension on my brother's car. It was actually a little easier than I thought it would be. Took it for a short spin and it definetly is lower and a little stiffer than stock with MUCH less brake-dive than before. Shoud be great fun trying out the 20 different dampening rates at this weekend's upcoming autocross.


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