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Monday, June 16, 2008

Lots of Riding and Some Running...

Starting from last last Saturday, I've biked (Sat), biked (Sun), ran (Mon), biked (Tues), biked (Wed), biked (Thur), rested, ran (Sat), and biked (Sun).

On Saturday, I ran the longest I have in probably a couple of years, almost 8 miles from Ala Moana around Kapiolani and back: My legs and back and whole body really felt this run...

Yesterday, I finished off the week with a 3h 15m, 83km ride over the Pali with the D-man. That ride was really really really scary as the D-man blasted by me going down the Pali, while I wallowed $hitting bricks while my front end wandered all over the creation going down at 67kph. This is really bugging me as this usually wouldn't set in until over 70 kph...but yesterday, it felt like the front tire wasn't conneced to the handle bars.....and when I slowed down, it still felt weird...

Other than that incident, the rest of the ride was pretty good as I could ride a little harder than last week... although, getting off the bike at our mid ride stop in Hawaii Kai really let me know that I ran far yesterday...

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