Steven's Home Page - ホーム ページ

Greetings...welcome to my homepage. Take a look around and I hope you enjoy it! 皆さん...ようこそ、これは私のホームページですよ! どうぞおはいりください...見てください...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

2006 - Week No. 1

Hi there...

Well, well...2006 has not started out as "well" as I would have liked cause I've been aaaAARRRGGghhh ;-( SICK all this first week. That meant NO work, and NO RIDING I can do with the no work, but no riding!!! I guess I'll just have to call this a non-self imposed "recovery" week.

So then...while convalescing at home this past week, I put together my riding stats for 2005. I really hope to take it up a notch this year - once I FULLY get over this cold that is!

One thing for certain, the only way to go from here is UP!!! Higher, faster, stronger...ttyl...


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